ترجمة انشودة For The Rest Of My Life
For the rest of my life maher zain lyrics arabic english كلمات اغنية ماهر زين مترجم عربي انكليزي2013.
ترجمة انشودة for the rest of my life. For the rest of my life i ll be with you. Loving you for the rest of my life thru days and night ill thank allah for open my eyes now and forever i ill be there for you i know that deep in my heart now that you re here in front of me i strongly feel love. For the rest of my life through days and nights. Jannah is an eternal place for muslims the islamic conception of paradise.
For the rest of my life ill be with you ill stay by your side honest and true till the end of my time ill be loving you. The arabic word jannah is a shortened version meaning simply garden. متن و ترجمه ی اهنگ for the rest of my life for the rest of my life برای باقی زندگیم i praise allah for sending me you my love. I know it deep in my heart.
And i have no doubt وهیچ تردیدی ندارم and i m singing loud that i ll love you eternally وباصدای بلند فریاد میزنم که تو عشق همیشگی من خواهی بود for the rest of my life برای باقیمانده عمرم i ll be with you من باتو خواهم بود i ll stay by your side honest and true من کنارت صادقانه و درست.